Servicios Automotriz

Pintura de calidad, reparacion,venta y mecanica para cualquier vehiculo solo en Taller Garcia SRL

Pintura y Mecanica en general

Somos tu experto de confianza a la hora de restaurar la pintura de tu vehiculo o mecanica en general.

A red car is suspended on a vehicle lift in the middle of an auto repair garage. The garage has a high ceiling, fluorescent lights, and appears to be equipped with various tools and machinery along the walls. The floor of the garage is slightly wet and has a drain in the middle. There is a sign in Italian visible on the right side of the image.
A red car is suspended on a vehicle lift in the middle of an auto repair garage. The garage has a high ceiling, fluorescent lights, and appears to be equipped with various tools and machinery along the walls. The floor of the garage is slightly wet and has a drain in the middle. There is a sign in Italian visible on the right side of the image.
Pintura Automotriz

Ofrecemos el mejor servicio de restauracion de Pintura Automotriz de toda Republica Dominicana


Nuestros mecanicos te brindan un servicio de calidad y garantizado con mas de 10 años de experiencia en el area de mecanica